
PDF Function

This function will generate a PDF from any webpage. TestingBot will launch a remote browser, visit the URL you specified and take a PDF from it.

Use the URLs below to take an instant PDF from a page, without having to write any code.

Instead of relying on tools such as wkhtmltopdf, PDFShift, Athena, PDFBlade or others, you can rely on the power of Chrome's rendering engine to take a high quality PDF through a Function (which uses Puppeteer behind the scenes).


curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com"}' > test.pdf

This simple example will run a Puppeteer script on our service and do the following:

  • Start a Headless Browser (latest version) on our cloud
  • Connect with Puppeteer to the Browser and navigate to the URL you specified
  • Generate a PDF from the page
  • Return the PDF file back to you, in a file called test.pdf

Specifying browser and version

See the example below to specify on which platform configuration you'd like to generate the PDF on. You can specify a browserName, version and platform.

Select a browser & version

PDF Options

You can specify additional options with this function call to customize the PDF taking.

This function call can use any of the Puppeteer puppeteer.pdfoptions options.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "options":{"fullPage":true}}' > test.pdf

Authenticate options

You can specify the page.authenticate credentials.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "authenticate":{ "username": "user", "password": "passwd" }}' > test.pdf

Goto options

You can specify the page.goto options and add timeout and waitUntil settings.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "gotoOptions":{ "waitUntil": "networkidle2" }}' > test.pdf

Extra Headers

You can specify the page.setExtraHTTPHeaders options to add extra HTTP headers to the request that the TestingBot browser makes.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "extraHeaders":{ 'foo': 'bar' }}' > test.pdf

Disable Javascript

You can disable Javascript with the page.setJavaScriptEnabled option.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "javascriptEnabled":false}' > test.pdf

Emulate Media

Change the CSS media type of the page with page.emulateMediaType.

curl -X POST https://cloud.testingbot.com/pdf?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET&browserName=chrome&version=latest&platform=WIN10 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"https://testingbot.com", "emulateMedia":"print"}' > test.pdf