
Online Cross Browser Testing On Microsoft Edge Browser

Easily test on Microsoft Edge Online! Make sure your website works on the latest Edge browser versions that come with Microsoft Windows. Test your website on real Edge browsers.

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Superfast, live cross browser testing

Trusted by some of the world's most innovative companies

Interactive Testing On Microsoft Edge Browsers

  • Legacy versions up to the latest version

    Run tests on various Microsoft Edge versions, on real Windows and macOS desktops.

  • Responsive Testing

    Adjust the screen-resolution on the fly or resize your browser to do responsive testing.

  • No more VMs

    No more VMs to be maintained or software to be installed. TestingBot has you covered.

  • +5100 combinations

    Instant access to multiple Microsoft Edge browsers, on Windows and macOS.

Superfast, live cross browser testing

Microsoft Edge Emulators vs Real Microsoft Edge Browsers

Microsoft Edge emulators do not always show correct results. Test on real Microsoft Edge browsers, running on a real Windows operating system.

No Emulators, Simulators or Virtual Machines, try TestingBot and get instant access to a real Microsoft Edge browser.

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Geolocation Testing on Microsoft Edge

Perform geolocation testing in various regions across the world. Test Geo Targeting, Geo Blocking and Geo Localization in 10 countries, including Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, France, Spain, China and more.

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Automated Microsoft Edge Screenshots

Take automated screenshots of your website on various Microsoft Edge versions. Rapidly test your webpages for visual differences across multiple Microsoft Edge browsers.

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Local Cross Browser Microsoft Edge Testing

Use our secure tunnel to quickly and easily test your staging website on any Microsoft Edge browser version.

Local Testing

Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Edge is a popular browser that comes by default on new Microsoft Windows installations. It has a market percentage of 6% globally.

It's important to make sure your website looks and behaves correctly on this web browser.

TestingBot provides an online cloud of Microsoft Edge browsers, running on Windows and macOS machines.

You can run manual tests on Edge browsers, or use WebDriver automation to automatically test your website.

TestingBot provides macOS machines equipped with multiple versions of Microsoft Edge.

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