Learn how to use Appium for automated testing. We will provide some tips and tricks, performance optimizations and ways to use Appium Inspector to troubleshoot your native mobile app testing.
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A brief overview on how to setup, configure and run Selenium WebDriver tests with IntelliJ IDEA.

Learn more about Internationalization Testing: how to prepare and test your website or mobile app for different regions in the world.

Playwright provides automated browser testing. It offers a built-in feature to perform visual regression testing for your website.

Learn how to do automated mobile app testing with Flutter and Appium.

Find out how to perform localisation testing with mobile apps. Change your language or locale with Appium, XCUITest and Espresso.

Puppeteer combined with a test framework provides a great way to run automated browser tests. Follow this guide for more information.

This article will focus on how to debug your Cypress tests with Cypress debugger and other developer tools.

Handling cookies with Selenium WebDriver is a common task, since most websites use cookies. In this guide, we'll show you how to do this with Selenium.