
Android Espresso Automation

Scale your Espresso Tests with TestingBot. Run Espresso tests for your native and hybrid apps across physical Android devices and Android emulators.

Android Espresso Automation

Trusted by some of the world's most innovative companies

Accelerate your Espresso test automation with TestingBot

TestingBot provides Android emulators and physical Android devices, ready to run your automated Espresso tests.

Android Devices
Android Devices Physical Android devices
and Emulators
CI/CD Integration
CI/CD Integration Integrate TestingBot Espresso Testing
with your CI/CD
Test Reports
Test Reports Debug faster with screenshots,
video and test logs

Accelerate Espresso Testing

Instantly add test capacity to your Espresso Testing. TestingBot offers Android devices and emulators, ranging from Android 4.4 up to 12. Samsung, Pixel, Oppo, Xiaomi and more.

Upload your native Android app and Espresso tests. Run on the TestingBot device cloud and receive instant results, with video, for all your tests.

Get started in 5 minutes
Private Device Cloud

Private Device Cloud

With Private Device Cloud, we take care of the setup, configuration and maintenance of dedicated devices exclusively for your company.

Select your preferred devices, and we will make them available in our data center for seamless testing.

How does it work?

Build your app & tests

Create an .apk or .aab file of your native Android app, and a .apk file of your Espresso tests. You can use Android Studio or Gradle to create these files, in either Java or Kotlin.

Upload app and tests

Upload your mobile app (.apk or .aab) and tests (.apk) via the TestingBot REST API.

Learn more

Run Espresso Tests

Trigger the tests via an API call. Your tests will appear in the TestingBot dashboard, with video, logs and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

By running Android Espresso tests on TestingBot, you can run tests in parallel on multiple devices and emulators at once.

Running tests in parallel will drastically shorten the total test duration.

TestingBot offers a variety of Android devices, including Samsung, Pixel, Oppo and other brands.

You can easily add the upload step and run step in your CI/CD pipeline.

As part of your CI/CD, you can then run the Android Espresso tests on TestingBot.

Use the JUnit report XML functionality that TestingBot provides to integrate the test results in your CI/CD.

You can change the network speed, language and locale of the device, change the GeoIP location and more.

The Espresso filters are all available, so you can choose which tests you want to run.

The Espresso test results will appear in the TestingBot dashboard.

You can use the REST API as well to fetch the results.

TestingBot Logo

Ready to start Espresso Testing?

To get started, please see our Espresso Testing documentation.

Resources you may like

Android Espresso Tutorial

Learn more about Android Espresso Testing in this tutorial.

Read more