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Webdriver-backed Selenium

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Today we have added full support for Webdriver-backed Selenium, which allows you to use the two API's together in a single test.

By using this feature, it will be easier for you to migrate your existing Selenium RC tests to the new WebDriver format. Here's a list of reasons on why you should consider start using WebDriver:

  • Better and more consistent API
  • Improved emulation of user interactions. WebDriver uses native events in order to interact with a web page, where possible.
  • Support by the major browser vendors. Chrome, FireFox and Opera are all active contributors in WebDriver’s development
  • Faster, less error-prone tests

Even though not all RC commands are supported, you can now run most of your RC tests on a WebDriver instance inside our grid. An example of using the two API's together in Ruby would be:

Copy code
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "rubygems"
require 'testingbot' 
gem "selenium-client"
gem "selenium-webdriver"
require "selenium-webdriver" 
require "selenium/client"

selenium = Selenium::Client::Driver.new :host    => "hub.testingbot.com",
                                        :port    => 4444,
                                        :url     => "https://www.facebook.com",
                                        :browser => "*webdriver"
caps = {
  :browserName => "iexplore",
  :platform => "WINDOWS"
urlhub = "http://API_KEY:API_SECRET@hub.testingbot.com:4444/wd/hub"
client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new
client.timeout = 120

@webdriver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, :url => urlhub, :desired_capabilities => caps, :http_client => client
selenium.start :driver => @webdriver
puts @webdriver.title == selenium.title # WebDriver and RC together

selenium.open "/" # RC

@webdriver.quit # WebDriver

This test will show up in our member area with screenshots/video and a list of steps from both RC and WebDriver.

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