Today we've added support for NodeJS Selenium testing on our Selenium grid. Installation of our plugin is easy by using NPM (Node Package Manager).
To install our plugin, please run: npm install testingbot
A simple example of a NodeJS test:
var soda = require('soda')
, assert = require('assert');
var browser = soda.createTestingBotClient({
'url': ''
, 'os': 'Windows'
, 'browser': 'iexplore'
, 'browser-version': '8'
, 'max-duration': 300 // 5 minutes
// Log commands as they are fired
browser.on('command', function(cmd, args){
console.log(' \x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m: %s', cmd, args.join(', '));
browser.testComplete(function() {
if (err) throw err;
To read more about our NodeJS plugin, please take a look at our support pages:
The repository of our NodeJS plugin is located on GitHub: