
How to write a Test Strategy Document

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What is a Test Strategy?

A test strategy outlines the overall approach, scope and resources necessary to conduct effective testing throughout a project's lifecycle. It serves as a blueprint to ensure that all aspects of the software are thoroughly tested. From defining the objectives and methodologies, to selecting the appropriate tools and establishing timelines.

In simpler terms, it's a document that describes what needs to be tested at what stage of the development process.

An effective test strategy is crucial for successful software development, because it plays a key role in identifying potential risks, improving the reliability of the product and ultimately ensuring a bug-free user experience.

Both QA and developers will benefit from this approach, because you know beforehand what you want to test and at which point in time.

This article explores the core elements of a test strategy. We will be highlighting the importance in reducing project risks, enhancing product quality and meeting expectations.

Types of Test Strategy

Below is an overview of the different types of test strategies.

Analytical Strategy

This approach utilizes both formal and informal methods to assess and prioritize the risks associated with testing. Analytical testing provides a comprehensive understanding of the testing needs, processes and execution. This helps in clearly defining the purpose of the testing efforts.

Dynamic Testing Strategy

After gathering inputs from the entire team, dynamic testing is conducted to evaluate the overall quality of the software. This approach emphasizes real-time testing scenarios and team collaboration.

Methodical Strategy

This technique involves testing the application’s functionalities based on a user-centered checklist. Key aspects like functionality, reliability, usability and performance are thoroughly examined by the testers to ensure optimum quality.

Model-based Strategy

In this technique, testing is based on real-world scenarios that reflect how the software will function in a specific environment, such as within an organization or by an end-user. Model-based testing identifies the relevant data domains and selects the most effective test cases, based on the likelihood of errors within those domains.

Regression-based Strategy

This strategy focuses on minimizing the risk of regression in both functional and non-functional components of the product. It often involves the use of UI-based automation tools to run tests whenever the application is updated or modified.

A perfect example of such automation tool is TestingBot, where you can regression tests against your websites or mobile apps on a regular schedule.

Standards or Compliance-based Strategy

This approach involves testing according to guidelines set by standardization committees or expert panels, such as HIPAA, FDA, etc. These standards dictate the test conditions, test cases and the composition of the testing team.

Process-oriented Strategy

This strategy ensures that the software is verified against predefined standards, such as those set by IEEE. This happens to ensure compliance and consistency with specific industry norms.

Philosophical Testing Strategy

This method examines the software to determine if any part is likely to fail or malfunction unexpectedly, focusing on identifying potential points of failure in the system.

Why do you Need a Test Strategy?

Guides Testing Efforts

A test strategy provides a clear outline of how testing will be conducted throughout the project. This ensures that testing goals and methods are consistent and well-defined.

Defines Scope and Coverage

It specifies the areas of the software that will be tested, ensuring comprehensive coverage of both functional and non-functional aspects of the application.

Manages Risks

By identifying potential risks early on, a test strategy outlines how these risks will be mitigated through targeted testing. Without a strategy, critical scenarios could be overlooked and increase the likelihood of failures in production. You don't want a shopping cart or billing feature in your app to break, leading to loss in revenue.

Optimizes Resources

A well-crafted test strategy helps prioritize testing activities based on their importance, ensuring that resources are used effectively and that unnecessary tests are avoided.

Enhances Communication

A strategy improves communication among all stakeholders by setting clear expectations for testing outcomes. Without a strategy, misunderstandings could result in delays or defects in the final product.

What are the risks of not having a test strategy?

Ad Hoc Testing

Without a strategy, testing may become unstructured and inconsistent. This leads to missed defects and unaddressed issues.

Insufficient Test Coverage

Key parts of the software may be neglected, resulting in increased bugs and issues when the software is deployed to production.

This is where communication plays a crucial role: developers, product, designers and QA need to sit together to identify what was built and what needs to be tested.

Lack of Prioritization

Critical areas of the application may be overlooked, leaving them vulnerable to significant problems that could have been prevented.

Delayed Bug Identification

Without a strategy, bugs may be discovered too late in the development process, leading to costly delays. It will cause frustration with developers, designers and product people.

Poor Risk Management

Major risks may not be adequately addressed, increasing the chances of failure when the software is released to users.

What is a Test Strategy Document?

A test strategy document is a comprehensive, high-level guide that details the approach to be taken for testing in a project. It records the testing objectives and provides recommendations on how to achieve these goals effectively. Typically this document is prepared by the project manager and shared with all stakeholders involved in the testing process. Its scope can be broad, covering an entire organization, or it can be tailored to a specific project.

In a way, it is very similar to a product spec, which details what to be built. A test strategy document details what is to be tested.

What to Include in a Test Strategy Document?

The document should include the following key components:

  • Testing Objectives: Define the goals and objectives of the testing process.
  • Scope: Specify what will be tested and what is out of scope.
  • Testing Approach: Describe the overall strategy, including methodologies and tools.
  • Testing Types: Outline the types of testing to be performed (e.g., functional, performance, security).
  • Test Levels: Identify the levels of testing, such as unit, integration and system testing.
  • Tools and Resources: List the tools and resources needed for testing.
  • Test Environment: Define the environment where testing will occur.
  • Risk Management: Identify potential risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Test Deliverables: Specify the documents and reports to be produced.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Assign tasks to team members.
  • Test Scheduling: Provide a timeline for testing activities.
  • Defect Management: Describe how defects will be tracked and resolved.
  • Success and Completion Criteria: Define how to determine when testing is successful and complete.

Sections of a Test Strategy Document

  1. Test Strategy ID: A unique identifier for the document and its versions.
  2. Introduction: A concise summary of the document's purpose and scope.
  3. Standards to Be Used: The criteria or guidelines that must be followed.
  4. Risks and Mitigations: Potential testing-related risks and how to mitigate them.
  5. Entrance Requirements: Prerequisites that must be met before testing begins.
  6. Exit Criteria: Conditions that define when testing can be concluded.
  7. Test Design Techniques: The methodologies to be applied, such as equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis.
  8. Test Environment: Specifications of the environment in which testing will occur.
  9. Configuration Management of Testware: Details about version control and management of test artifacts.
  10. Test Process Improvement: Techniques used to enhance the testing process.
  11. Approvals: List of individuals who approve the test strategy document.

Steps to Write a Test Strategy Document

Creating a comprehensive Test Strategy document involves several critical steps. Below is a systematic framework to help you design an effective test strategy.

Step 1: Understand the Project Requirements

  • Gather Information: Review the project requirements, objectives and scope to determine what needs to be tested.
  • Stakeholder Consultations: Engage with stakeholders (product managers, developers, business analysts) to ensure alignment of expectations.

Step 2: Define the Scope of Testing

  • Identify Testing Levels: Specify which levels of testing will be performed (e.g., unit, integration, system, acceptance).
  • In-Scope vs. Out-of-Scope: Clearly state which features, modules, or areas will be evaluated and which will not.

Step 3: Outline the Test Objectives

  • Determine Goals: Define the primary testing objectives, such as validating functionality, ensuring performance and identifying risks.
  • Set Completion Criteria: Establish criteria for when testing is considered complete and successful.

Step 4: Select Testing Approaches and Methodologies

  • Testing Types: Choose the types of testing to be conducted (functional, non-functional, regression, exploratory).
  • Techniques: Describe the specific testing methods that will be employed.

Step 5: Choose Testing Tools and Environment

  • Identify Tools: Document the necessary tools for test management, automation, performance testing and defect tracking.
  • Configure Test Environment: Set up the test environment(s), including hardware, software, network configurations and data requirements.

Step 6: Risk Management and Mitigation

  • Identify Risks: List potential risks to testing (e.g., tight timelines, limited resources, technical challenges).
  • Mitigation Strategies: Develop plans to mitigate these risks and assign responsibility for monitoring them.

Step 7: Define Roles and Responsibilities

  • Team Structure: Outline the roles and responsibilities within the testing team (Test Manager, QA Engineers, Automation Engineers).
  • Communication Plan: Establish how and when team members will communicate progress, issues and updates.

Step 8: Set Up Test Metrics and Reporting

  • Key Metrics: Determine the test metrics that will be measured (test coverage, defect density, test execution rate).
  • Reporting Process: Define the frequency and format of test reports and how they will be distributed to stakeholders.

Step 9: Create a Test Schedule and Milestones

  • Timeline: Develop a high-level testing schedule aligned with project deadlines and key milestones.
  • Resource Allocation: Assign resources to different testing phases based on availability and expertise.

Step 10: Review and Finalize the Document

  • Stakeholder Review: Share the document with relevant stakeholders for feedback and make necessary revisions.
  • Approval: Obtain official approval from stakeholders before finalizing the Test Strategy document.

Step 11: Communicate and Maintain the Strategy

  • Communication: Ensure the Test Strategy is communicated to all team members and stakeholders.
  • Maintenance: Regularly update the strategy as the project evolves to reflect any changes.

Sample Test Strategy Document

Below is a sample Test Strategy document template. This template can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your project or organization.

1. Introduction

This section describes the overall testing approach, objectives, scope and essential activities needed to ensure the quality and reliability of the [Project Name]. It outlines at a high level the testing procedures, tools and resources required for effective project delivery.

  • Purpose: Outlines the testing techniques and procedures for [Project Name], ensuring a structured approach to testing that aligns with project goals and quality expectations.
  • Audience: Intended for project stakeholders such as the QA team, developers, project managers and business analysts involved in the software development process.

2. Scope

This section specifically defines what is within the scope to be tested and what is out of scope.

  • In Scope:
    • Functional evaluation of all core features and modules.
    • Integration testing of system components.
  • Out of Scope:
    • Testing third-party integrations not developed in-house.
    • Hardware compatibility testing outside of specified contexts.
    • Non-core features or legacy components being phased out.

3. Test Objectives

  • Ensure all functional requirements are met and the system operates as intended.
  • Identify and address critical defects prior to release.
  • Verify that the application meets performance criteria under peak load conditions.
  • Ensure that security vulnerabilities are identified and mitigated.
  • Confirm that the application provides a positive user experience.

4. Testing Approach

This section defines the test levels to be performed and the types of testing used to cover the entire testing process.

  • Test Levels: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Acceptance Testing.
  • Types of Testing: Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Security Testing, Usability Testing, Regression Testing.

5. Test Environment and Tools

Test Environment

  • Test Servers: Information about server configurations, operating systems and network settings.
  • Test Data: Data sets and databases used for testing purposes.


The following tools will be used for different testing functions:

Testing Function Tool Name
Test Management JIRA, TestRail
Automation Testing Selenium, Appium, Puppeteer, Playwright
Performance Testing JMeter, LoadRunner
Defect Tracking Bugzilla, JIRA

6. Risk Management


  • Tight deadlines leading to insufficient test coverage.
  • Potential delays in setting up test environments.
  • Resource limitations during critical testing phases.

Mitigation Strategies

  • Prioritise critical test scenarios to ensure essential functionality is tested.
  • Set up test environments in parallel with development, involving IT teams early.
  • Develop contingency plans for resource allocation, including cross-training team members.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities
Test Manager Oversee the testing process, manage the testing team and communicate with stakeholders.
QA Engineers Design and execute test cases, report defects and verify fixes.
Automation Engineers Develop and maintain automated test scripts and integrate them into the CI/CD pipeline.
Performance Tester Conduct performance tests and analyze system behavior under load.

8. Test Metrics and Reporting

Key Metrics

  • Test Coverage: Percentage of requirements covered by test cases.
  • Defect Density: Number of defects per functional area or module.
  • Test Execution Rate: Number of test cases executed over time.
  • Pass/Fail Ratio: Ratio of passed tests to failed tests.


  • Daily or weekly test execution status reports.
  • Defect reports highlighting critical issues.
  • A final test summary report upon completion of testing.

9. Test Schedule

Testing Phase Start Date End Date Milestones
Unit Testing MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Completion of individual module tests
Integration Testing MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Integration of modules and interfaces tested
System Testing MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Entire system tested for compliance
Acceptance Testing MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Final approval from stakeholders

10. Approval

Name Role Signature Date
John Doe Project Manager ____________________ MM/DD/YYYY
Jane Smith QA Lead ____________________ MM/DD/YYYY
Emily Johnson Business Analyst ____________________ MM/DD/YYYY

This template serves as a starting point and should be tailored to fit the specific context of your project.

Did you create a Test Strategy document and are now ready to start testing? Sign up for a free TestingBot trial and immediately start testing. You can perform manual testing, regression testing, automated testing and visual comparison testing with TestingBot.

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