
Product Updates

Stay up-to-date with TestingBot's latest product updates.


Chrome 118, Microsoft Edge 118, Firefox 118 and Opera 103 now available

We've made the following browser versions available on TestingBot for automated, manual and visual testing:

  • Chrome 118
  • Edge 118
  • Firefox 118
  • Opera 103

Happy Testing!


iPhone 15 testing now available

iPhone 15 testing now available

iPhone 15 is now available on TestingBot: run automated and manual tests against websites and mobile apps, using Apple's latest iPhone 15 device.

iPhone 15 is now available in the TestingBot device grid, ready to run your tests.


Bugsnag Integration

Bugsnag Integration

TestingBot now integrates with Bugsnag. During manual testing you can take a screenshot, annotate it with our screenshot editor and send it to Bugsnag.

More information is available on Bugsnag Integration Documentation.


iOS 17 Testing

iOS 17 testing is now available on TestingBot. Run your mobile website and mobile app tests on a physical iPhone 14 device, running Apple's latest iOS 17.

Why is it important to test on iOS 17?

iOS 17 introduces many new improvements and features, that make for a personalised and intuitive user experience. By testing your apps on the latest iOS versions, you can make sure your mobile app and website works on the latest iOS version. Detect bugs happening on iOS 17, improve App Store compliance and optimise your app.

iOS 17 comes with many new features, as seen in the iOS release notes. Features include full-screen Stand-by mode, intelligent text inputs, new interactive widgets and other improvements.

Appium 2 is required for iOS 17 testing

If you're looking to run automated tests on iOS 17, you'll need to switch to the latest Appium version (2.0).

We have created an overview on how to Migrate to Appium 2.

Happy Testing!


Chrome 117, Firefox 117, Microsoft Edge 117 and Opera 102

We are happy to announce that TestingBot now supports Chrome 117, Edge 117, Firefox 117 and Opera 102.

Test on the latest version of these popular browsers, with manual, automated and visual testing by TestingBot.


Maestro testing in the Cloud

TestingBot now supports running mobile tests with Maestro in the cloud. Run Maestro mobile tests on Android emulators and iOS Simulators. Simply upload your Maestro Flow files using the TestingBot API and TestingBot will run the Flow tests using Maestro on iOS and Android.

More information available in the Maestro documentation.


TestingBot Webhooks: Receive test results instantly

TestingBot now supports Webhooks.

Webhooks allow you to receive test results from all your tests, on a URL you've provided.

This allows you to instantly receive pass/failure states of your tests, without having to poll the TestingBot REST API.


Microsoft Edge Beta and Dev versions

TestingBot now provides up-to-date versions of Microsoft Edge Beta and Dev, on both macOS and Windows (10 and 11).

Make sure your website stays compatible with new Microsoft Edge versions. Run automated, visual and manual tests on beta versions and dev versions.

Below is a sample of the capabilities you can use in your automated tests:

Copy code
const caps = {
  browserName: 'microsoftedge',
  platformName: 'WIN10',
  version: 'dev'

Chrome 116 and Microsoft Edge 116

Chrome 116 is now available, enjoy testing on Google Chrome's latest browser version! Find out more about Chrome 116 changes.

Additionally, we've added the latest version of Microsoft Edge (version 16).

Both new versions are now available for manual, automated and visual testing.


Free Online Tools by TestingBot

TestingBot now provides Free Online Tools, which you can use to augment your automated/manual tests.

Our free tools include:

with many more others to come in the future!


Serverless Browser Functions

TestingBot has added the possibility to run custom Javascript in the cloud, on real browsers.

You can now run serverless JS functions on a Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Opera browser in the TestingBot browser grid.

Next to running custom functions, you can also use a screenshot function, scrape function or PDF function.