
CodeceptJS & Puppeteer

CodeceptJS is an end-to-end testing framework which provides support for many automation drivers, including Puppeteer.

To get started, please install these packages:

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npm install codeceptjs puppeteer --save

To create a sample project from scratch, you can use this command:

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npx codeceptjs init

Configure CodeceptJS with Puppeteer

To configure CodeceptJS, please edit codecept.conf.js and make sure to add the Puppeteer helper.

Copy code
{ // ..
  helpers: {
    Puppeteer: {
      url: "http://localhost",
      show: true,
      windowSize: '1200x900',
      chrome: {
        browserWSEndpoint: "wss://cloud.testingbot.com?key=YOUR_KEY&secret=YOUR_SECRET"
  // ..

The browserWSEndpoint URL instructs CodeceptJS to use TestingBot's Puppeteer grid to run the tests on.

Specifying browser and version

To specify on which browser and version your CodeceptJS + Puppeteer test should run, you can include both a browserName and browserVersion in the browserWSEndpoint URL.

Select a browser & version
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Run your first test

Let's create our first test, which will open the TestingBot website and check to see if the word 'TestingBot' is included on the page.

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Scenario('test testingbot homepage', ({ I }) => {

Now you can run this first test on TestingBot.

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$ npx codeceptjs run --steps
Copy code
Test --
  test something
    I am on page "https://testingbot.com"
    I see "TestingBot"
  ✔ OK in 1057ms

  OK  | 1 passed   // 11s

This test will appear in your Member Dashboard, together with a video of the test and any logs that were generated.