
Prepare your Mobile App for Automated Testing

TestingBot provides Android Emulators and iOS Simulators as well as Real Devices to run tests against your mobile app.

Below are the steps necessary to prepare your mobile app for Automated Testing.

Building your app

You do not need to install any code or plugin to run a test.
Below are some things that are necessary to successfully run a mobile test:

For Android:

  • Please supply the URL to your .apk or .aab file.
    Important: the .apk file needs to be compiled for the emulator/device you are running your test on (x86 or arm).
  • Your app needs to have internet permissions
  • The URL to the .apk file must be publically available, or you can use our TestingBot Storage to temporary host your mobile app.

For iOS (Real Device):

  • Please supply the URL to an .ipa file. The URL must be publically available, or you can use our TestingBot Storage to temporary host your mobile app.
  • By default, we automatically resign your .ipa file so that your development builds can run on our devices.
    If you don't want this, specify resigningEnabled: false in your desired capabilities.
  • Please make sure your target version matches the version of the simulator you want to test on.

For iOS (Simulator):

  • Please supply the URL to a .zip file that contains your .app
  • The .app needs to be an iOS Simulator build:
    • Create a Simulator build:
      Copy code
      xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Debug
    • Zip the .app bundle:
      Copy code
      zip -r MyApp.zip MyApp.app
  • Please make sure your target version matches the version of the simulator you want to test on.

Building IPA file

To build an IPA file, please follow these steps:

  • Open your project in XCode.
  • Select Generic iOS Device as a project device target.
  • In the Product menu, select Archive.
  • Once archived, click Export.
  • You will be asked what kind of export mode you want, you can pick any of these methods: Ad Hoc, Enterprise or Development mode.
  • When asked for Distribution options, please set these options:
    • App Thining: disabled
    • Uncheck Rebuild from Bitcode
    • Uncheck Strip Swift Symbols
    • Uncheck Include manifest for over-the-air installation
  • Select your Distribution Certificate and Provisioning Profile (either Automatic or Manual).
  • Now your IPA file should be generated, export it to a folder on your harddisk.
  • You can now upload the IPA file to a public URL or use our TestingBot Storage to temporary host your app.