
TestingBot and Tricentis Tosca

Tricentis Tosca is an industry-leading test creation tool, that allows for testing of websites and mobile apps. By connecting to TestingBot from within Tosca Commander, you will be able to run your tests in parallel on remote browsers and devices.

To get ready, please make sure you have downloaded and installed Tosca. Next, you'll need a TestingBot account to pass your TestingBot key and secret credentials to Tosca.

Running tests on TestingBot

With Tosca Commander open, make sure you have created or recorded some web test cases. For a specific test case, go to the Test configuration tab, and make sure these test configuration parameters are listed:

  • Browser: set this to Chrome, Firefox, Edge or another browser
  • OperatingSystem: for example WIN10, WIN11 or other platforms
  • HubAddress: set this to https://TB_KEY:TB_SECRET@hub.testingbot.com/wd/hub, where you replace TB_KEY with your actual TestingBot key and TB_SECRET with your actual TestingBot secret, obtained from the member area
Tosca Configuration

Set Desired Capabilities

With the Set Desired Capabilities module you can specify multiple capabilities to target and customize tests on TestingBot. Make sure to use this module at the start of your test(s).

The Set Desired Capabilities module is part of the Standard subset. You can find it under Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Mobile.

Tosca Set Desired Capabilities

You will need to specify the AppiumServer option, specifying the TestingBot Grid endpoint https://hub.testingbot.com/wd/hub.

Tosca AppiumServer

You can specify the Fibermode = true option to improve the performance of remote WebDriver and Tosca. It will decrease the amount of communication that is required between Tosca and TestingBot, improving overall performance.

TestingBot Storage

You can run mobile app tests with Tosca on TestingBot's mobile devices, by specifying for example a TestingBot Storage URL.

You can add a .apk or .ipa extensions to the tb:// URLs, to make sure Tosca accepts these URLs.

Tosca TestingBot Storage

Scanning a Mobile App

Tosca Commander provides a way to scan a mobile iOS or Android app. You can use this on a remote iOS or Android device running on TestingBot.

  1. In Tosca Commander, on the Modules tab, click Scan and then click Mobile.
  2. In the Add connection input, enter https://hub.testingbot.com/wd/hub as Appium Server Address. Choose Cloud (Appium) as type.

    Tosca Add Connection
  3. In the Add device input field, enter the information for the TestingBot device you want to use. For example, Pixel 8.

    Tosca Add TestingBot Device
  4. In the Edit native/hybrid application input, enter the URL to the app you want to test, or supply the TestingBot Storage URI, then click Save. Tosca Add TestingBot URL
  5. Now we'll need to add the TestingBot key and secret, to authenticate with the TestingBot grid. Click Advanced Configuration, then Add Capabilities Set and click the Add capability button to add both key and secret capabilities, with their values being your actual TestingBot key and secret, obtained from the member area.

    Tosca Capabilities
  6. In the Establishing connection input, click Scan. After a while, you will see a success message. Tosca Connection Established
  7. You now have access to a live view of the device running on TestingBot. You can interact with the device by using the buttons. Tosca TestingBot Live View