
Use IP geolocation

TestingBot's GeoIP feature allows you to test your app from various parts of the world, by using IP addresses in over 20 different countries.
When you enable GeoIP, traffic originating from the iOS device which is running your XCUITest will come from an IP address in the country you specified.

GeoIP example

To get started with location testing, you can specify the geoLocation option when starting a XCUITest.
Please see the example below where we specify that the app should connect through Germany.

Copy code
curl -u api_key:api_secret \
-X POST "https://api.testingbot.com/v1/app-automate/xcuitest/:id/run" \
-d '{ "options": { "geoLocation": "DE" }, "capabilities":[{"version":"15.5", "deviceName":"iPhone 13", "platformName":"iOS"}]}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The DE abbreviation is the ISO code of Germany. You can find other GeoIP country codes to use.