
Javascript unit testing with Karma

We've prepared an example with full TestingBot integration which is easy to set up and run.
With our integrated karma-testingbot-launcher, you can easily run tests with Karma on TestingBot.
Our launcher will automatically start/stop a tunnel and report back the test results to us.

Installing the example

Make sure you have installed both git and NodeJS.
Then proceed to clone our karma-testingbot-example with the follow commands:

Copy code
git clone https://github.com/testingbot/karma-testingbot-example.git
cd karma-testingbot-example

Once that's installed, please run the follow command to set up the example:

Copy code
sudo npm install -g karma-cli && npm install

Run Karma test with our karma-testingbot-launcher plugin

In the example's directory, you'll find a file karma.conf-testingbot.js which contains a "customLaunchers" variable with multiple browsers defined. This is the place where you specify on which browsers you want your test to run.

To actually run the test on TestingBot, we first need to specify the TESTINGBOT_KEY and TESTINGBOT_SECRET environment variables, which you can find in our member area.

Copy code

Now you're ready to run the test on TestingBot.
To start the test, run the following command:

Copy code
karma start karma.conf-testingbot.js

This will download and start our TestingBot Tunnel, run your test and report back the result.